Application Process

On behalf of the Lyceum Board of Directors, we welcome applications for membership.

Please contact our Membership Director for an application or with any questions regarding membership, we hope to meet you soon!

New members shall not have Lyceum rental privileges for any event/ function or voting privileges until initiation fees are paid in full after final membership approval.

Membership Fees

Quarterly Dues (Per Person – Billed Quarterly)

Adult $240.65
Retired (70+) $179.31
Jr. (6-22) $49.55
Minor (0-5) $ 16.81

One-time Initiation Fee

Age 35+ $1000
Under 35 $500
Retired (70+) $500

Racquet-Only Membership 2024-2025 Season

Yearly $716.62

Updated 2/8/2024.  All fees subject to change. Tax not included.